Case Studies From Practicing Biote Certified Providers

Every day, we hear amazing stories from our network of certified providers. Below are a few case studies featuring results from BHRT patients.

The Decision to Try BHRT Saves a Woman’s Marriage*

Hormone Optimization & Menopause: Ruthann Rees, MD

L.D., a 48-year-old white female, made an appointment to discuss menopausal symptoms she’d experienced for many years. Her symptoms of vaginal atrophy were so severe that she had not had sex with her husband for more than a year. She suffered from daily hot flashes and night sweats, and had difficulty sleeping and fatigue. Her prior Gynecologist refused to discuss even the possibility of trying hormone replacement therapy.*

L. D. is a gravida 3 para 3 white female, which means she had three pregnancies carried past 20 weeks, and she also had a history of stage 0 intraductal carcinoma in situ (breast cancer) found serendipitously at the time of a reduction mammoplasty many years ago. Before her breast reduction, her mammograms were normal. Because of her mother’s history of colon cancer, she decided to undergo a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. L. D. had BRCA and Colaris gene testing that was negative.

“This has saved my marriage!” L.D., Female Patient

After we engaged in an extensive discussion of her personal history of breast cancer, she decided to try testosterone therapy, and she started on the Biote Method of testosterone hormone optimization. At her 6-week follow-up, she was elated with the vast improvement she was experiencing. Not only were her menopausal symptoms relieved, but she was especially glad to report she had resumed sexual relations with her husband. She felt they were reconnecting now on a physical and emotional level like they had not experienced in years. “This has saved my marriage!” L.D. happily reported.*

Cardiologist Sees Surprising Results by Focusing on Preventative Health

Hormone Optimization & Heart Health: Christina M. Bove, MD FACC

After almost two decades of practicing traditional cardiology, in 2017 I realized I had to make a change in my services. So several years ago, I began a new, more functional medicine approach to cardiovascular disease. This started with a renewed focus on nutrition and diet, followed by the addition of the Biote Method of bioidentical hormone replacement (BHRT).*

With this approach, I quickly found I was able to prevent, and reverse disease rather than merely treat symptoms of the disease. I am able to get my patients off anti-hypertensives, statins, and diabetic medications while improving their overall health, functional capacity, and quality of life.*

A New Focus On CV Prevention

As a cardiologist, my daily focus is on cardiovascular prevention, as well as treatment of established disease. As CV disease is a disease of inflammation, I focus on metabolic markers, advanced cardiac inflammatory panels, CIMT (measures the thickness of the inner two layers of the carotid artery and alerts physicians to any thickening when patients are asymptomatic), and coronary calcium scores, rather than traditional lipid panels to establish patient’s cardiovascular risk and treatment protocols.*

I have seen first-hand in my patients the reversal of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity, abnormal body composition, abnormal inflammatory markers, and dyslipidemia. Clinical studies have shown improvements in atherosclerosis and beneficial changes in heart muscle structure and function on CV imaging in patients receiving BHRT.*

“What a relief for the patient and her husband.” Brian Cox, MD

Compelling Benefits of Testosterone Therapy*

From a cardiovascular standpoint, the anti-inflammatory, vasodilatory, endothelial function, vascular remodeling, and atherosclerosis benefits of testosterone therapy are compelling. I believe that, with proper screening and follow up, women using non-oral bioidentical hormones may benefit not only with marked symptom improvement, but reduction in atherosclerosis and CV and overall mortality.*

Alzheimer’s Patient Rediagnosed After Testosterone and DIM 150*

Hormone Optimization & Brain Health: Brian Cox, MD*

In January of 2018, a 69-year-old female who underwent a left breast lumpectomy for breast cancer in 1999 and who was diagnosed with mild, early Alzheimer’s came to see me. She was on small amounts of testosterone by another provider and was interested in bioidentialcal hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). The patient’s past medical history was also significant for osteoporosis, hyperlipidemia, type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism and rheumatoid arthritis.*

Initial labs revealed total testosterone of 37. Her testosterone level showed she was clearly not optimized and moreover was symptomatic. She started on Testosterone 2% cream via daily topical application along with DIM 150 mg (a nutraceutical known to increase free testosterone). This was later increased to 4% testosterone cream due to low serum levels in April, 2018. Finally, she achieved optimal levels with a serum level of 282 at the 4% dose.*

The patient noted feeling better after a few months and her husband says her mood was better as well. The patient seen was seen on September 26,2019, for a follow-up and husband states they recently saw her neurologist who tested her, and he was amazed at her significant improvement and does not believe she has Alzheimer’s but a milder former of dementia. What a relief for the patient and her husband!*

Bone Density Scans Show Promising Results in BHRT Patients

Hormone Optimization & Bone Health: G. DeAn Strobel, MD, FACOG*

When I was initially trained by Dr. Donovitz and learned that pellet therapy can increase bone mineral density by up to 8.3% per year, I was apprehensive. It wasn’t until a year or so after I began to use the pellets in patients that I began to see such dramatic improvements in their bone density scans. I have had many patients who have had DEXA scans change from T-scores in the osteopenia range to normal range, and I even have had some who have had complete reversal of osteoporosis! I am now a true believer!

OB/GYN Gains Expertise in Osteoporosis

As a Board-Certified OB/GYN, I practice in an area with a large geriatric population. When I first started my practice in 1999, I was overwhelmed with the number of osteopenia and osteoporosis patients I encountered. I became so intrigued with the spectrum of disease, that I pursued certification with the International Society of Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) and purchased my first DEXA machine in 2002.

Once ISCD-certified, I began to appreciate the nuances of DEXA interpretation and began to discover many otherwise asymptomatic patients with osteoporosis-related fractures. From what I understand, I was the first gynecologist in the state approved to prescribe and use teriparatide for patients with severe osteoporosis. I have also used all the various bone medications including SERMs, bisphosphonates, PTH-analogs, and even calcitonin. I have followed patients with serial DEXA scans for many years.

“I am now a true believer!” DeAn Stobel, MD, FACOG

When I was initially trained by Dr. Donovitz and learned that pellet therapy can increase bone mineral density by up to 8.3% per year, I was apprehensive. It wasn’t until a year or so after I began to use the pellets in patients that I began to see such dramatic improvements in their bone density scans. I have had many patients who have had DEXA scans change from T-scores in the osteopenia range to normal range, and I even have had some who have had complete reversal of osteoporosis! I am now a true believer!

Dramatic Increase in Patients’ Results

My prescription numbers for bisphosphonates and other osteoporosis medications have dramatically decreased, and my patients’ results have dramatically increased since I started using bioidentical hormone pellets and hormone optimization in my practice.

The Most Important Question In Healthcare

Hormone Optimization & Thyroid Health: Dr. R

As with testosterone insufficiency, the patient’s story tells us the reality if our therapy is working or not. Unfortunately, many practitioners have become dependent on lab tests and forgotten the most important question —“How does the patient feel?”

“She felt overall so much better.” Dr. R

Dr. R had a 35-year-old female come in with a diagnosis of hypothyroidism. She had been treated with Synthroid for five years. TSH 2.5, FT3 3.0. She had symptoms of weight gain, cold hands/feet, hair thinning, dry skin, and mild constipation.*

He changed her over to a desiccated thyroid (NP) which contained both T4 and the active thyroid hormone T3, and repeated her thyroid labs in 8 weeks. TSH 0.5, FT3 3.8 — her active thyroid hormone was now in the optimal range. More importantly, her weight decreased 5 pounds; she no longer had cold intolerance and was starting to see healthier hair as well as normal bowel function. She felt overall so much better.*